2 Quotes & Sayings By Rich Lesser

Rich Lesser is the CEO and founder of Lesser Enterprises, Inc., a leading producer and marketer of books and audio tapes. He has written eighteen books published by McGraw Hill and Simon & Schuster, including two New York Times best-sellers: "The $80 Million Prize" and "Your Time is Now", as well as the highly acclaimed "12 Questions". Rich has been invited to speak at major business conferences throughout the world, most recently at Harvard University's Furchtgott-Roth Conference. A frequent guest commentator on national television and radio, Rich appears regularly on CNN's Larry King Live and PBS's The Charlie Rose Show Read more

His articles have appeared in a variety of publications, including Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Business Week, The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, SmartMoney, and Money. His blog can be found at www.lessergroup.com.